Our ‘People of ACI’ feature highlights a number of outstanding employees who help make ACI a truly special place. These features will focus on these unique individuals’ history with our company, achievements, personality, successes, challenges, and more. This week we’re featuring the one and only Shad Scott!
A self-taught drummer, an ordained minister, a carpenter, a music producer, and a photographer, Shad Scott is not your typical drafter, or typical anything else for that matter. Shad spent his early years as a drafter at ACI before 18 years in customer service where his people skills served him well.
The attention to detail he perfected as a professional drafter, became his greatest strength in keeping ACI customers happy for two decades. And for his longevity, Shad sites the people centric culture, the family-oriented feeling, and the collaborative nature at ACI, who can argue with that.
For Shad Scott, the beat goes on.